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how to style

Seidentuch 90

Ein Seidentuch lässt sich auf unterschiedliche Weise stylen und kann deinem Outfit im Handumdrehen einen neuen Look verleihen. Egal ob klassisch als Schal oder ausgefallner als Top, hier findest du kreative Tipps und Tricks, um dein Tuch gekonnt in Szene zu setzen. Lass dich inspirieren und peppe deine Garderobe mit ein paar einfachen Bindetechniken auf!

The silk scarf as a tube top

  1. Lay the silk scarf flat on a surface. Fold it diagonally from one corner to the opposite corner to form a triangle.
  2. Hold the scarf at the two top corners of the triangle and place it in front of your upper body, with the tip of the triangle pointing downwards.
  3. Bring the two top corners of the scarf around your body and bring them together on your back. Ensure that the scarf fits snugly to ensure a secure hold.
  4. Secure the look as a tube top by tying a knot on the back with the two top corners.

The silk scarf as a scarf

  1. Lay the silk scarf flat on a surface. Fold it diagonally from one corner to the opposite corner to form a triangle.
  2. Roll the scarf into a narrow strip by folding it from the tip towards the wide side.
  3. Now, place the scarf around your neck so that both sides come forward over your shoulders.
  4. Tie the two ends together. You can wear the scarf snugly around your neck or leave it slightly looser.

The silk scarf as a small triangle

  1. Lay the silk scarf flat on a surface. Fold it diagonally from one corner to the opposite corner to form a triangle.
  2. Hold the scarf at the two top corners of the triangle and place it in front of your upper body, with the tip of the triangle pointing downwards.
  3. Bring the two top corners of the scarf around your neck and let them come together on your back.
  4. Cross the two ends of the scarf behind your neck and bring them back to the front. Optionally, you can also tie a slight knot to prevent the scarf from shifting.

The silk scarf as a head scarf

  1. Lay the silk scarf flat on a surface. Fold it diagonally from one corner to the opposite corner to form a triangle.
  2. Place the folded scarf over your head so that the wide side of the triangle falls over your forehead and the tip of the triangle points backward.
  3. Bring the two ends of the scarf around the sides of your head and bring them to the back of your head. Here, you can simply tie them together or tie a bow to complete the headscarf look.
  4. Ensure that the scarf fits snugly to ensure a secure hold. If necessary, adjust it by gently pulling on the ends to smooth out the scarf and ensure it sits comfortably.

The silk scarf as a belt

  1. Lay the silk scarf flat on a surface. Fold it diagonally from one corner to the opposite corner to form a triangle.
  2. Roll the scarf into a narrow strip by folding it from the tip towards the wide side.
  3. Hold the folded scarf at one side of your waist and bring the two ends of the scarf to the front, tying them together.
  4. You can make a simple knot or tie a bow, depending on the look you prefer. Optionally, you can also thread it through your belt loops and tie it.