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On the basis of these general terms and conditions (GTC) comes between the customer and

Prinz & Co. GmbH
Management: Zaza Börm, Luisa Andersen
Emil-Geis-Str. 4 , 82031 Grünwald, Germany
Company headquarters: Munich
Registration court: District Court of Munich
Registration number: HRB 260817
Tel: +49 (0) 176 216 20205
Email address: hello(at)

hereinafter referred to as the provider, the contract is concluded.

Subject of the contract

This contract regulates the sale of new goods from the area(s) of decorative items via the provider's online shop. For the details of the respective offer, reference is made to the product description on the offer page.

conclusion of contract

The contract is only concluded in electronic business transactions via the shop system. The offers presented represent a non-binding invitation to submit an offer through the customer order, which the provider can then accept. The ordering process for the conclusion of the contract includes the following steps in the shop system:
- Selection of the offer in the desired specification
- Place the offer in the shopping cart
- Pressing the "order" button
- Enter the billing and delivery address
- Choice of payment method
- Review and processing of the order and all entries
- Press the button "Order with costs"
- Confirmation email that order has been received
- The contract is concluded with the sending of the order confirmation.

Retention of title

The delivered goods remain the property of the provider until full payment has been made.
Prices, shipping costs, return costs
All prices are final prices and include the statutory sales tax.
The following shipping costs apply once per order:
Germany: €7.95
In the case of partial deliveries, the flat rate only applies once. There are no further costs for shipping from an amount of €120.00.
If there is a right of withdrawal and this is used, the customer bears the costs of the return.

Terms of payment

The customer only has the following options for payment:
Advance transfer, payment service provider (PayPal).
Other payment methods are not offered and will be rejected.
The invoice amount is to be transferred in advance to the account specified there after receipt of the invoice, which contains all information for the transfer and is sent by e-mail.
When using an escrow service/payment service provider, this enables the provider and customer to process the payment among themselves. The escrow service/payment service provider forwards the customer's payment to the provider. Further information is available on the website of the respective escrow service/payment service provider.
The customer is obliged to pay or transfer the amount shown to the account specified on the invoice within 14 days of receipt of the invoice. Payment is due from the invoice date without deduction. After expiry of the payment period, which is thus determined by the calendar, the customer is in default even without a reminder.
A right of retention of the customer, which is not based on the same contractual relationship, is excluded. Offsetting against customer claims is excluded unless these are undisputed or have been legally established.

Delivery terms
The goods will be shipped immediately after receipt of the order. The dispatch takes place on average after 5 days at the latest. The entrepreneur undertakes to deliver within 14 days of receipt of the order. The standard delivery time is 10 days unless otherwise stated in the item description. The provider sends the order from its own warehouse as soon as the entire order is in stock there. The customer will be informed immediately of delays. If the provider is not responsible for a permanent obstacle to delivery, in particular force majeure or non-delivery by his own suppliers, although a corresponding hedging transaction was made in good time, the provider has the right to withdraw from a contract with the customer in this respect. The customer will be informed immediately and received services, especially payments, will be refunded.


Consumers are entitled to a statutory right to liability for defects for the services offered in accordance with the relevant provisions of the German Civil Code (BGB). If there is a deviation from this, the warranty is based on the regulations written for this purpose in the General Terms and Conditions (GTC). If the customer is an entrepreneur, the warranty period for new goods is limited to one year. The provider is granted that he can choose between repair or new delivery in the event of subsequent performance if the goods are new and the customer is an entrepreneur. If the customer is an entrepreneur, the warranty for used goods is excluded. If the customer is a consumer, the warranty period for used goods is limited to one year. This does not apply to customer claims for damages due to injury to life, limb, health or essential contractual obligations, which must be fulfilled to achieve the contractual objective. This also does not apply to claims for damages after grossly negligent or intentional breach of duty by the provider or his legal representative or vicarious agent. Otherwise, the statutory provisions apply.

Drafting of contracts

If the customer is an entrepreneur, the risk of accidental loss and/or accidental deterioration of the goods passes to the customer when the goods are handed over or, in the case of shipment, delivered to the selected service provider. The customer has no way of directly accessing the stored contract text. The customer can correct input errors during the ordering process. To do this, he can proceed as follows: Back button in the shop.